Domestic (U.S.A) Testimonials
Brian Butler is one of the leading, cutting edge, educational experts of our time. His insights about the needs of learners, especially at K-2, are targeted and timely. So glad to have his book, "What About Us?",.. and his knowledge available to my staff.
-Robyn Dawson Ed.S. Principal
The discussions that Brian helped guide were extremely valuable. Additionally the resources made available were awesome.
-Educator, Cortland Enlarged School District
Brian is purpose and passion driven in his calling as an educator. Our staff was moved, informed and motivated to use the shared strategies to improve student learning.
-Chuck Hinman, Superintendent, West Covina Unified School District
Special Testimonials
We have worked with educators in every state and in every province in Canada, and Brian is perhaps the finest elementary school principal we have ever known.
Although we have devoted our adult lives to the study of school improvement, some of our deepest learnings have occurred as a result of observing Brian’s leadership of a school.
-The Late Rick and Becky DuFour, December 2011
Brian Butler - Principal of The Year Endorsement
Brian applied a growth mindset as a teacher and principal and now applies it in his book. Our educational system does not provide gifted education for every child – yet. Reflections from educators and influential books, podcasts, and interviews illustrate the value of Brian's 5-shift path to create the schools we all want for our children. The principles and team culture he describes for PreK - 12 educators apply equally to teaching recent medical school graduates to become physicians and surgeons. This is a valuable read for anyone who wants to be a better educator. Let’s get all our children into the "smart class."
— Steven L. Frick, MD, Professor and Vice Chair, Education, Stanford University School of Medicine, Department of Orthopedic Surgery​​
International Testimonials
Brian was so lovely and inspiring…got me excited about my own teaching practices!
-Samantha Briggs, Secondary Educator, Australian
Brian was fantastic! Profound knowledge, highly engaging and relevant to individual and school needs and development!
-Jane McDonald, Australia Primary School
Brian is an awesome speaker. I could listen to him all day!
-Teacher, Brandon Manitoba, Canada
I really enjoy listening to Brian, and I could see how he would have made an amazing administrator. He is engaging, his voice commands our attention, and he just gets it.
-Principal, Brandon Manitoba, Canada Teacher